As the nutritional foundation for ecological, self-sufficient, extended-family, hemp farms, Hemp Hearts™, shelled hemp seeds, could have a profoundly positive effect on the future of humanity
Previous sections of this web site display tens of thousands of customer health survey comments which prove that the daily consumption of as little as sixty grams of Hemp Hearts™, shelled hemp seeds, with raw vegetables can provide superior health and energy for individuals who previously consumed many times as much ordinary, starch-prominent food.
In fact, those who changed to a diet of Hemp Hearts™, shelled hemp seeds, with vegetables usually experienced much better health if they totally avoided the consumption of all breads, all potatoes, all pastas, all cereals and all rice. From their experiences, it also seems that there is no human need for any other vegetable proteins, for any other vegetable oils or even for any animal proteins–except as dietary novelties.
When cultivated by hand and shelled with hand powered machines, hemp plants can easily produce over seven hundred kilograms of Hemp Hearts™, shelled hemp seeds, per acre per year. With appropriate pruning and the cultivation of more than one crop per year, multiples of that production will often be possible.
We have proven over the past ten years, therefore, that a single acre of land, farmed by hand, can easily produce sufficient Hemp Hearts™, shelled hemp seeds, and vegetables to guarantee superior health and energy for more than thirty individuals–hemp farm residents, visitors and customers.
We have also proven that the seed wastes–the shells, the Hemp Heart fragments and the seeds that are too small for shelling–are perfect feeds, by themselves, for fish, poultry and mammals. It is easily calculated that every one-acre, extended-family, hemp farm would be able to use its hemp seed wastes to produce sufficient poultry, eggs, dairy products, fish and meat to enhance the diets of its residents and visitors as well as many customers–sufficient again for at least thirty individuals from a single one-acre farm.
But, environmentalists calculate that as our resources are now being utilized, the production from at least five acres of arable land is required for the support of each living human.
They claim that there are now more humans on the Earth than can be supported without irreversible environmental degradation.
They have converged ideologies to some degree with the previously discredited socialists to gain increasing influence in Western governments which have produced more and more regulation to reflect their shared belief systems: In promoting their programs in support of the Vulnerable, they tax and design regulation to otherwise discourage the most productive; In promoting their programs in support of the Planet, they similarly tax and design regulation to otherwise discourage the most productive.
Because they believe that there are five times as many humans on the Earth as can be supported by the Earth, they do not even pretend to offer a more efficient system for maintaining equal productivity. Instead, the Red/Green Convergence overwhelms our consciousness with questionable science and manipulates public opinion to guarantee themselves positions of increasing power, enabling them to reward themselves and select winners from within their belief system.
The net effect of their regulation will be to produce less and less necessities with more and more waste. Like communism, this is another top/down regulatory system based on an imperfect ideology. It can only limit the achievements of most of us while producing misery and starvation for millions.
Although we have already proven that our hemp farming model can provide better nutrition, resulting in much better health, for more than 150 times as many humans as can be supported by the existing system, I do not expect that our self-sufficient, extended-family, hemp farms will be embraced and nurtured by the various regulatory agents that we encounter.
In fact, it is only by defining ourselves as families and as farms rather than as businesses that we will have any hope of circumventing the myriad regulations that would otherwise prevent us–from utilizing our unique structures, from utilizing our unique energy systems, from utilizing our unique waste handling systems, from producing food in residential structures, from consuming our own foods, from consuming raw foods, from marketing our foods, from receiving visitors, from feeding visitors, from allowing our children to assist with production, etc., etc..
However, if we are able to demonstrate:
(A) that extended-family hemp farms can be developed in stages using their own hemp fibers for construction materials;
(B) that they can be heated and cooled without carbon fuels;
(C) that they can utilize wind mills and environmentally compatible batteries for electrical energy and
(D) that they can utilize all of their own wastes in the production of their food and shelter–then we will be able to claim a position of eminence which may protect us to some degree.
Just as we at Rocky Mountain Grain Products are utilizing a participating public to prove that tiny quantities Hemp Hearts™, shelled hemp seeds, can replace large amounts of ordinary starch-prominent foods to provide superior health and nutrition, so we will also utilize a participating public to prove that self-sufficient, extended-family, hemp farms are capable of sustaining thirty humans per acre with no nutritional deficiencies, no energy deficiencies, no raw material deficiencies, no waste burdens and no need for paternalistic governments.
We will soon offer–Adventures In Growth–prefabricated, snap together, well-lighted, well-insulated structures, surrounding large heated courtyards, with appropriate water, energy and waste handling systems that will make it possible for parents, children, grandparents, grandchildren and friends to live and work together to produce an abundance of food and other necessities–some of which will be marketed to guests and neighbors.
If our numbers seem improbable, then drive one thousand miles through any agricultural areas of your choosing, taking notes. You will certainly pass many hundreds of square miles of fields used for cereal starch production, many hundreds of square miles of fields used for animal forage production, hundreds of square miles of fields used for oil seed, sugar and fruit production and hundreds of square miles of fields used for vegetable starch production. None of this production has any value for those who have changed to Hemp Hearts™, shelled hemp seeds, and vegetables–except as an occasional novelty.
If self-sufficient, extended-family, hemp farms were widespread and the planet was no longer so burdened with the production of most of the nutritionally inferior field crops that now cover more than ninety nine percent of the arable land on the Earth, then the planet would also be relieved of the input burdens, the processing burdens, the distribution burdens, the recycling burdens and the health care burdens that are the inevitable result of our dependence on these nutritionally inferior field crops.
As an increasing percentage of the humans on the Earth modify their residences or move to self-sufficient, extended-family, hemp farms–then there will be a decreasing market for most of the irrelevant merchandise in most of our stores and the planet will be further relieved of the burdens involved in the manufacture and distribution and recycling of these items.
As more and more of us become less and less taxable, governments will shrink and the refugees from that system will also begin moving to self-sufficient, hemp farms..If you would like to be able to live so that your friends and family members were all able to participate usefully together in the production of an abundance of marketable necessities, but leaving most of each day free for personal development, please follow our progress.
By word of mouth, shelled hemp seeds have been introduced to hundreds of thousands of individuals. In thousands of conversations, our customers have provided us with the information that resulted in an amazing diet, described as: The Thirty Greatest Hemp Foods And How To Get Maximum Benefit From Them.
Read a report to a convention of doctors about a scientific study which proved that the dissolved “heart” of the hemp seed can be used as the most significant part of a diet that will reverse disease: Hemp as a Medicament.
Customers’ personal experiences with Hemp Hearts™, shelled hemp seeds, are described in their own handwriting in: Categorized Customer Health Surveys About Hemp Hearts™ And Health.
Email questions in any language, we will translate and reply in your language: [email protected] or call mobile 403-315-4154
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Adventures in Growth: Self-Sufficient Hemp Farms