The Greatest Protein Foods Are Made From Hemp Hearts
Throughout all of human history we built our body tissues ….first with the 18 amino acids (REAL-Protein) found in our mother’s milk ……and later with the same 18 amino acids (REAL-Protein) found in fish and eggs and dairy and meat.
Those who want us to become wrecks so they can supply us with medicines, supplements and health care, now associate the word “PROTEIN” with starch-grains that contain only a few of the 18 amino acids that we actually need for tissue health. Imperfect “PROTEIN” from starch-grains guarantees that we will gradually lose elasticity in our tissues, that we will gradually develop hardened arteries resulting in high blood pressure, poor circulation, cardiovascular disease ….and eventually diabetes.
Fortunately, each tiny 200 calorie serving of Hemp Hearts Protein Flakes contains as much of the same 18 amino acids (REAL-Protein) as would be found in 2 quarts of mother’s milk.
It is easy for anyone to use OUR PERFECT PROTEIN FOODS to restore tissue health and/or lose weight, as follows:
Two Families of Hemp Hearts Products Guarantee Perfect Health
(A) The Original Hemp Hearts family lubricates gut tubes and guarantees perfect clean out.
(Hemp Hearts do not digest completely in the stomach. Some of them release oils in the gut tubes.
Most disease, including cancer, begins with colonies of microorganisms stuck on the walls and in the bulges of gut tubes.)
This family of foods includes Original Hemp Hearts, 22 choices of More Than A Square Meals (bars), Little Man Jeffery Luke’s Square Meals (cookies) and High Energy Crumbles. This family of foods also supplies abundant long lasting energy….and some protein for some tissue health benefit.
Always use enough of the Original Hemp Hearts family of foods— (usually 2 ounces or 55 grams of actual Hemp Hearts) with enough long fiber foods (raw vegetables that have not been in a blender)—to clean out perfectly every day. It is good to use Hemp Hearts with dairy for additional calcium for bones.
(B) The Hemp Hearts High Protein Flakesfamily makes it easy to consume enough REAL-Protein (protein equal to mothers’ milk) to restore elasticity to skin and hair and veins and arteries and joints and body tissues that have lost elasticity…. because of diets with too much bread, potatoes, pasta, rice and sugar.
This family of foods includes High Protein Flakes, a flavored type of Flake called PerFikPro, High Protein Powder, 18 choices of Square Meal Desserts, High Protein Crumbles and Hemp SweetHearts. This family of foods is so satisfying that it is very easy to use them to lose weight. Because there is less percentage of sugar in any of our foods than is found in carrots….and no starch…these foods make it easy to reverse diabetes.
Always use enough of the High Protein Flakes family of foods per meal— (usually 2 ounces or 55 grams of actual High Protein Flakes), preferably on soups or with long fiber foods (raw vegetables that have not been in a blender) or with other protein foods…and especially dairy for calcium…to provide tissue elasticity to veins and arteries and joints. Most customers consume one meal of High Protein Flakes per day with dairy after a breakfast of Original Hemp Hearts with fruit or vegetables. Those who want to lose weight quickly while restoring health to body tissues consume only two meals of High Protein Flakes per day with dairy (most days). Those who need to restore health to tissues quickly always consume three meals of High Protein Flakes per day with dairy.
My suggestion is always that we use enough Original Hemp Hearts with enough raw fruit or vegetables each morning so that we poop each day and clean out well. I would use it with yogurt for calcium because we need strong bones.
My suggestion is also always that we eat half cup of Hemp Hearts High Protein Flakes, twice later each day…also with fruit or vegetables and yogurt…so we put elasticity back into veins and arteries and organs and restore perfect tissue health.
My suggestion is that we avoid cereal, bread, potatoes, pasta, rice and sugar. They are unnecessary calories, no long fibers for digestive health, no REAL-Protein for body tissue health, not enough calcium for bones.
Original Hemp Hearts™
Hemp Hearts™ 454g (One Pound) Tubs, 9 Tubs Per Case.
Guaranteed to Turbocharge you and to lubricate your digestive system ….. OR Your Money Back!
Hemp Hearts™ – Shelled Hemp Seed Three Page Lab Test
Signed By Chemist on Each Page (PDF)
We invented Hemp Hearts™ and then learned how to use them with mountains of long fiber foods for their protein which then reverses an amazing spectrum of tissue health problems (large portions of our society are protein deficient) .
When they are used in this manner they also lubricate the passage of rope-like wastes (the remains of the long fiber foods) and thus ensure perfect digestive health.
We then sent millions of instruction booklets with hundreds of thousands of cases of Hemp Hearts™ – all at no charge – to health care professionals all over the World.
We also sent health surveys to customers, collected and categorized the resulting comments and posted their replies in the hand writing of the customer at Categorized Customer Health Surveys About Hemp Hearts™ And Health.
We were brutal in refusing to sell Hemp Hearts™ to anyone who was not going to use or market them in our prescribed manner–thus ensuring that the name Hemp Hearts™ would be intrinsically associated with our program for the use of the product and with the health benefits that are then inevitable.
This program worked perfectly and the name Hemp Hearts™ became associated with health. Our Hemp Hearts™ are normally better than others because others are often made with small pieces of bitter, bin rotted seeds that they claim are “organic” or “natural”—but sometimes their shelled hemp seeds are as good as ours. I do not know how you would use single samples to evaluate a product like Hemp Hearts™ that differs from day to day in production.
Email questions in any language, we will translate and reply in your language: [email protected] or call mobile 403-315-4154
Value Added Foods Made From Original Hemp Hearts
We make a large number of very tasty, high energy, gut lubricating, value added products from our Original Hemp Hearts. We offer many choices of these value added Hemp Hearts foods with sufficient long fibers that the foods will not cause liquid bowel movements:
More Than a Square Meals (huge bars), High Energy Crumbles, Little Man Jeffery Luke’s Square Meals (cookies), Dip/Dressing/Sauce, as well as Green Hemp Hearts Oil and Clear Hemp Hearts Oil.
The Hemp Hearts Protein Flakes family of foods is made from Original Hemp Hearts

Hemp Hearts Protein Flakes (Reduced Fat)
Hemp Hearts (REDUCED FAT) Flakes™ Three Page Lab Test
Signed By Chemist on Each Page (PDF)
After sending tens of thousands of health surveys to long term customers, we learned that the REAL PROTEIN in Hemp Hearts (very similar to the REAL PROTEIN in mothers milk) could be used to restore elasticity to seriously hardened arteries, thus reducing blood pressure in less than three months. We learned that the REAL PROTEIN in Hemp Hearts could also be used to restore circulation to diabetic feetand to make diabetics sharply intelligent again.
We learned, in fact, that the REAL PROTEIN in Hemp Hearts could be used to restore health to hair and nails and skin and joints and organs… but that very few individuals would be likely to use sufficient Original Hemp Hearts for this restoration unless they learned to avoid starch and processed foods.
Those who did not learn to use their Original Hemp Hearts with raw vegetables would often poop in their pants.or gain weight. Therefore.we removed some oil from Original Hemp Hearts to made a 60 percent protein product called, Hemp Hearts Protein Flakes which has become the basis of a much higher protein family of products. This family of products makes it possible for customers to immensely increase the protein content of their diets without pooping their pants. This family of products makes it very easy to restore tissue health to old bodies without changing diets fanatically… even while losing weight when necessary.
Value Added Foods Made From Hemp Hearts Protein Flakes
Our Hemp Hearts Protein Flakes are double the protein of Original Hemp Hearts and all animal proteins. We flavor some of them with a mist of maple syrup and call this product, Hemp Hearts PerFikPro.
We flavor and bind some of them together to make Hemp SweetHearts.
We flavor and bind some together with dried cranberries to make Hemp Hearts Protein Crumbles.
We bind some with dark chocolate and top them with choices of nuts or fruit to make 18 different Square Meal Desserts.
We grind some unflavoured Hemp Hearts Protein Flakes to make by far the best Hemp Hearts Protein Powder in the world…the only hemp protein powder made entirely from the heart of the seed….with no gritty shell material and none of the pollution that is normally found on shell surfaces.
“Miscellaneous Pictures of Products, Including Some “Tips” For Their Use

Hemp Hearts(Reduced Fat) Flakes™ Small Flakes, 454g (One Pound) Tub, 9 Tubs Per Case
Guaranteed to provide remarkable satisfaction ….. OR Your Money Back!
Hemp Hearts (REDUCED FAT) Flakes™ Three Page Lab Test Signed By Chemist on Each Page (PDF)

Guaranteed to provide remarkable satisfaction ….. OR Your Money Back!
Hemp Hearts (REDUCED FAT) Flakes™ Three Page Lab Test Signed By Chemist on Each Page (PDF)

454 g (One Pound) Tub
9 Tubs Per Case
Guaranteed to to provide remarkable satisfaction ….. OR Your Money Back!
Hemp Hearts (REDUCED FAT) Powder™ Three Page Lab Test Signed By Chemist on Each Page (PDF)

Hemp Hearts(Reduced Fat) Powder™
55g (2 Ounce) – Single Serving Bags
Guaranteed to provide remarkable satisfaction ….. OR Your Money Back!
Hemp Hearts (REDUCED FAT) Powder™ Three Page Lab Test Signed By Chemist on Each Page (PDF)Hemp Hearts(Reduced Fat) Flakes™
Large Flakes
A 12.4 litre (3.25 USG) Pail – Only weighs 4.1 kg (9 pounds)
Guaranteed to provide remarkable satisfaction ….. OR Your Money Back!
Hemp Hearts (REDUCED FAT) Flakes™ Three Page Lab Test Signed By Chemist on Each Page (PDF)

Square Meal Desserts

Hemp Hearts Dip-Dressing-Sauce™ is 225 ml of freshly squeezed hemp oil in a 250 ml jar.

Hemp Hearts Dip-Dressing-Sauce™ 225ml hemp oil inside a 250ml jar
German University Hemp Oil Study Proves That Normal Cooking Does Not Damage Hemp Oil (PDF)
About 1/3 of it consists of fine particles of Hemp Hearts™. It is certainly the best tasting oil on this Planet and the only one containing protein. Hemp Hearts Dip-Dressing-Sauce™ can be used alone as a dip, a salad-dressing, a wok-cooking sauce, a frying-pan sauce, a meat-roasting sauce, a stuffing-sauce or a base for any of the above. If you add the following flavor ingredients to each jar, you can make some of the best traditional dips, dressings and sauces ever experienced. If you store it frozen you can use it directly from the freezer. It will never be harmful, but the taste will change after several months if it is not stored cold.
Italian Add to jar: 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar1 tbsp chopped roasted red peppers1 tbsp shredded or grated parmesan cheeseReplace lid and shake well. | Greek Add to jar:2 tbsp balsamic vinegar1 tbsp crumbled feta cheese1 tbsp chopped green or black olives1/2 tsp oreganoReplace lid and shake well. |
Mediterranean Add to jar: 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar1 tbsp chopped anchovies1 tsp finely chopped dill1/2 tsp lemon juiceReplace lid and shake well. | Oriental Add to jar: 2 1/2 tbsp rice vinegar3 tsp soy sauce4 tsp sesame seedsReplace lid and shake well. |
Hemp Hearts More Than A Square Meals™
We make huge and unique Meal bars—each 2 inches wide by 12 inches long and each with a base of 8 tablespoons of Hemp Hearts™ stuck together with minimum German chocolate then topped with amazing quantities (24 square inches) of large nuts, berries or chunks of dried fruit–no starchy fillers.

Because of the large quantity of Hemp Hearts™ used, each Meal bar commonly replaces 2 meals.
Apricot, plum, fig and date Meal bars may have as many as 18 whole dried fruit items on top of each base. Berry and Nut Meal bars commonly have over 60 whole nuts or 110 whole dried berries as topping.
Each of our Meal bars actually consists of about 90g Hemp Hearts™ ™ and 90g of nut or fruit topping stuck together with about 40g of chocolate in which there is about 8 g of sugar.
The evil sugar added to the chocolate in each bar therefore is about 8/220 or 3.6 percent of the weight of the entire bar–about half the percentage of evil sugar found naturally in carrots or sweet peas.
Email questions in any language, we will translate and reply in your language: [email protected] or call mobile 403-315-4154
Dairy Free Dark Chocolate More Than A Square Meal™ units include topping choices:
Roasted Almond

Roasted Cashew


Brazil Nut

Macadamia Nut









Pine Nut

Goji Berry


Hazel Nut






Hemp Hearts Clear Hemp Cooking and Salad Oil™ and Hemp Hearts Green Hemp Cooking and Salad Oil™
We also have two types of cold pressed hemp oil made from Hemp Hearts™—one green with hemp flavor, Green Hemp Cooking and Salad Oil™ and—one clear with nutty taste, Clear Hemp Cooking and Salad Oil™. They are the cleanest and most stable health food oils on the market. We provide a German University Study that proves that they can be used for cooking without any damage to their omega properties–without any formation of trans fats. With our Hemp Hearts Dip-Dressing-Sauce™ above they are the only hemp oils on the Planet made from the internal parts of the hemp seed–thus avoiding the immense amounts of air pollution commonly found on shells and contaminating competitors’ hemp products. Lab tests reveal that our products made from our Hemp Hearts™ have 2000 percent less air pollution than competitors’ organic products.Questions?? Email questions in any language, we will translate and reply in your language: [email protected] or call mobile 403-315-4154
Hemp Hearts Clear Hemp Cooking And Salad Oil™ 500ml Bottle

Hemp Hearts Green Hemp Cooking and Salad Oil™ 500ml Bottle
German University Hemp Oil Study Proves That Normal Cooking Does Not Damage Hemp Oil (PDF)